For this reason, in the following section you will find in 'narrative' (not publication) chronological order the stories - or chapters - featured within the blog. Although the common thread is, as we said, the character of Eva Ferrari, in some parts of the collection the character will have a minor relevance, playing a secondary role or, even, not being there.
WARNING: for convenience, the table of contents will be updated as new entries in the collection are published; the aforementioned table of contents, moreover, will be divided into macro sections, each concerning a particular phase relating to Ferrari's character. This is, in this case, a simple mental scheme that is useful to maintain even in the subdivision of individual publications.
Far Horizons (stardate 48467.3): Eva Ferrari, a young Starfleet Officer, has recently completed a two-year project at the Zefram Cochrane Space Flight Center, where she had served as a pilot and test pilot immediately after graduating from Starfleet Academy. At the same time, a new class of vessel (the Sovereign-class) has been completed: in addition to the Enterprise-E, which will be launched on stardate 49827.5, the shipyard orbiting Earth, that of San Francisco, also gave birth to the U.S.S. Europa (NCC-1648-E), assigned to Captain T'Vok. The Vulcan, who served during John Harriman's time aboard the Enterprise-B, arranges for Lieutenant Ferrari to be assigned to the starship, believing that her talents and skills would benefit the crew in anticipation of future missions.
Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Trekkey (stardate unknown, 21st century) - Lieutenant Eva Ferrari, conn officer of the U.S.S. Europa (NCC-1648-E) found herself on 21st century Earth, at UNIT HQ, trying to return to her time zone, when Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, UNIT Commander-in-Chief, found her a ride home, thanks to a common friend... that Ferrari still needs to encounter.
Finally Rejoined (post stardate 49195.5): Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax is heartbroken as a result of the events recounted in Rejoined, during which she meets the symbiont Kahn's new host, Dr. Lenara Kahn, and falls in love with her again, only to be disappointed by the woman's decision to leave DS9. A few days later, speaking with a young Lieutenant from the U.S.S. Europa (NCC-1648), she finds out that Dr. Kahn has returned to Deep Space 9…
Second Chances (post stardate 49195.5): After what happened in Finally Rejoined, Jadzia Dax and Lenara Kahn start a new life together aboard Deep Space 9, fully aware of the pending sentence of exile coming at any moment from their homeworld. Jadzia greets Lenara from Sickbay with a bouquet of flowers, perfectly recreated by the Cardassian station replicators!
The Ship (stardate 50049.3) - Returning from a bloody mission, Captain Sisko and Jadzia Dax find themselves having to reconsider their lives during the war with the Dominion and the burden it places on their families and loved ones.
Looking for par’Mach in All the Wrong Places (stardate unknown, 2373) - After helping Quark to win the favour of Grilka, his ex-wife, Jadzia has an important talk with Lenara about their future, going on to strengthen their relationship.
THE DOMINION WAR (2373-2375)
The Qu'Vat Massacre (stardate 51247.5) - The U.S.S. Europa (NCC-1648-E), patrolling a sector of space near the border between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union, responds to a distress call from a Klingon outpost a few light years from its position. Caught up in a vicious ambush, the ship faces its fate and only a few, including Dr Pulaski, manage to survive.
An Unwilling Union (stardate 51968.5) - Captain Sisko leads an invasion of Cardassian territory, ignoring a warning from the Prophets, with fatal consequences for a pair of Deep Space 9 crew members. Cardassian Gul Dukat, possessed by a Pah-wraith, manages to infiltrate the base and destroy the Tear of Contemplation, at the same time seriously injuring Commander Jadzia Dax.
What Came After (stardate 54976.4) - After seven years in the Delta Quadrant, the U.S.S. Voyager (NCC-74656) has finally returned home, after a close encounter with the Borg and a little help from an Admiral Janeway from the 25th century. Her return, though happy, leads to a series of unforeseen consequences for her crew and that of the Prometheus.
ABOARD VOYAGER (2379-2383)
Ambush (stardate unknown, ca. 2380) - The U.S.S. Voyager (NCC-74656) is again in the Delta Quadrant, with a joint Federation-Klingon fleet, to explore more throughly that part of the Milky Way, when the Intrepid-class starship, under the command of XO Eva Ferrari, is ambushed. Sneak peek, the complete story is still unavaiable.
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